Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Transplant Nursing Staff Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse (CCTN)

Are there nurses out there interested in certification as a mechanism to validate your expertise in transplant care?

If you have been a nurse for at least 24 months and have a minimum of 12 months work experience directly involved in the care of solid organ transplant patients, then you are eligible to sit for the American Board for Transplant Certification (ABTC) examination for transplant nurses (not coordinators).

In early Fall 2006, ABTC plans to computerize the CCTN examination for all US sites. To find out more about the examination go to http://www.abtc.net/exams.html

Follow this link for Exam FAQ's http://www.abtc.net/pdf/CCTNFAQsbrochure.pdf
and to check out some sample questions go to http://www.abtc.net/pdf/CCTNFAQsbrochure.pdf

1 comment:

NCcomputerRN said...

THis is a test comment